Reese McHenry came up swinging in Northern Minnesota and she didn’t sit still for very long. A true troubadour, her powerful voice has driven her from the fresh greens of Eau Claire to the dusty motels of Albuquerque and everywhere in between. Since settling in North Carolina, this prolific songwriter and jagged performer has lent her fire and talent to a number of recording projects and now turns her attention to her own damn show.

Her songs defy genre and, though one could still categorize them as straight-shooting “rock,” the real thread connecting these songs is a wry brand of humor mixed with an ability to catch a hook at just the right moment. McHenry’s true signature, of course, is her emotive blues voice that can change at any moment from soft sweetness to a torrential downpour. 

Reese lives in North Carolina and is currently touring with a band as well as solo.

“McHenry howls like the fierce offspring of Janis Joplin and Robert Plant. “ - Pitchfork

“Everyone’s in awe of Reese McHenry from the INDY to the Triangle rock musicians and fans who’ve been floored by the vitality of her Joplin-esque howl.” - Indy Week


No Dados

Hight Comma

Bad Girl


Fatty Don’t Feel Good

Got It?

Champions of Imperfections